Goodbye Wordpress, Hello Hugo

Published on 2017-07-23T22:19:27-04:00 by Mohd

I have had my personal "blog" at up for a very long time. Despite this fact, and despite wanting very much to write about random stuff on the internet, I barely contributed any content and the blog sat there merely as a means to distribute my resume to people.

Hopefully this is now going to change.

It helps being able to publish content straight from the command line. I now have a pretty simple and sweet build pipeline setup to automatically rebuild the site using GitHub webhooks. I have replaced the slow and tedious Wordpress with Hugo, which is a super fast static site generator. I write the post in markdown files, and by typing this:

git add -u && git commit -m "update" && git push

My site updates. It takes longer to login Wordpress. I could not be happier with Hugo! I am going to try and do a tutorial for creating static sites such as this one soon using Hugo, GitHub and a cheap VPS such as digital ocean or linode. Stay tuned!