Israel commits crimes against humanity behind the shield of antisemitism

Published on 2024-01-03 by Mohd

We are all human beings, and we are all equal. We were all born innocent as children. We have all been moulded to who we are today largely by the environment around each of us. But fundamentally all human beings are equal.

What Hamas did on October the 7th was unambiguously wrong. It was wrong for them to murder innocent people. There is no question about it.

But where is the accountability for Israel? How is it allowed to casually murder twenty thousand Palestinians? How is it allowed to bomb UN shelters? Ambulances? Engage in collective punishment? In a modern society we have to condemn all violence. Israel has been ignoring any concept of proportionality for decades, and the now politically mired Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has done anything but to drive policies that will result in long term peace. How is it acceptable to punish the Palestinian people for the crimes of Hamas? Where is the punishment for Israel?

No one holds Israel accountable for fear that they be labeled as an antisemite. There has to be a distinction between a nation state and its people. A nation state should be beholden to international laws. A nation state should not be exempt from criticism and accountability.

Israel is an apartheid regime, there is no question about this. More than 1 human rights organizations from within Israel itself have recognized this fact. Human beings are not all equal in Israel.

The lesson that we must all heed from the horrific events of the holocaust is to never dehumanize people. Dehumanization is the first step towards unimaginable sins. It is a sad disappointment for me to see the nation state of Israel engage in the mass dehumanization of the Palestinians people, when so many of its own people suffered so tragically during the holocaust, and the dehumanization that led to it.

Jew, Muslim, Christian, atheist, black, white, asian, straight, transgender, bisexual, homosexual - whatever - live your life the way you want, but never dehumanize people.